Thursday 24 September 2015

Peliminary Task: Creating A Storyboard From Initial Ideas

The process of my group making this story board all started with our initial ideas which we noted down on some paper. We thought about the characters names, personalities and What the story line of this short film/clip would be. After we had decided what our initial plan would be we then posted this on our blog. We then began the 12 slide challenge which was to plan the preliminary task using only 12 different shots. Using A3 paper, which we then sectioned into boxes, we put the key points of each shot that we are going to use. After finalising the 12 slide challenge, we then divided the slides between all of our members and wrote/drew out in detail the shots that we are planning to use the preliminary task. This is our story board which I have put onto a slideshare;

What have I learnt from this is that planning is one of the most important parts in creating a media product. If the planning is not correct or detailed enough then the filming and editing does not flow easily and may make the product turn out incorrect or messy. The most time on this course should be spent on the planning so this does not happen when making our media products.


  1. Well done Ellie - you have thought about the way in which effective storyboarding can help to ensure an improved outcome.

    Can you create a Powerpoint from your pictures and embed them into your blog using Slideshare? This will show you can apply a new skill learnt in a previous lesson.

    1. Using a story board will give me an improved outcome as i have noted all the elements to the shots that i will be taking for my preliminary task. It also means that you have thought through the angles, action and types of shots; meaning that when it comes to filming, the group already knows the shots and how these will be taken and edited to be in the right order. It also keep filming organised as you do not take too many shots or spend too much time of filming.
      I have now created a Powerpoint on Slide Share using my pictures on my story board.
