Monday 16 November 2015

Research : The Importance Of Sound In Horror Films

Sound is a vital element to any film or media product, the sound is what connects the audience and the mood being created and, therefore, makes the audience feel a certain way. This sound helps to create the atmosphere of the scene, for example, in a horror movie the music would have high and low pitched strings to create mystery and suspense. If a Horror Film was to just have diegetic sound then the film will not have the same effect upon the audience, this is why non-diegetic sound within any film is important. Music may progressively build to signify that a dramatic event is about to happen or it may be upbeat to lighten the mood. Horror films use diegetic music heavily to create a scary scene. Even though the music sets the scene, it does not give away what will happen in the following events but may put people on edge waiting for something to happen. The music must not be too loud at the start but can start to build up the tension and loudness.

One example of how music can effect a scene in a horror movie is the 1980 'The Shining'. The clip below is of 'The Shining'. If you watch it with and then without the sound, it makes you feel very differently on each one. 


Here is another clip about how sound can affect the mood of a film. Justin Zagra, a film maker, has produce a video with an example also showing the difference between a piece of footage without non-diegetic and with non-diegetic.

This research will benefit me because when it comes to my filming I will ensure I record certain sounds such as a scream of the girl when she is about to be killed by the lumber jack. Also the sound of when the lumberjack is coming toward the two characters, so when filming I will get the sound of an axe cutting through as he is walking towards them. This will help me make a more effective film opening because of the diegetic sound that I have filmed my self, to create more tension for the audience. 

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